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Water-to-Go bottles

Reduce single-use plastic and access safe drinking water wherever you are.


Get 15% off a Water-to-Go reusable filtration bottle

We know that it can be a challenge to reduce the amount of plastic we use when travelling, especially when trying to stay hydrated.  At Explore we aim to eliminate single-use items on our tours and we proudly work with Water-to-Go to help achieve this goal.

Water-to-Go is a portable filtration system that eliminates over 99.9% of all microbiological contaminants including viruses, bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals from any non-salt water source, allowing you to drink water from any tap, stream or even stagnant water wherever you are in the world. So if you’re thirsty and the only water you can find is a dirty puddle, no problem, fill up your Water-to-Go bottle and drink away! 

Get 15% off a Water-to-Go bottle, plus any other Water-to-Go product (such as replacement filters and lids, or insulating bottle carriers), using discount code EXPLORE15.


NEW Sugarcane bottles

Made from sugarcane, using the fibrous material that is usually considered a waste product, our new 55cl bottles are proven to filter the nasties out from any non-saltwater source.  Each filter can purify 200 litres of water, avoiding 400 single-use plastic bottles! This simple bit of kit is a must have for anyone wanting to travel with a lower impact on the environment.

Save 15% on your bottle on the Water-to-Go website using code EXPLORE15.
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More about Water-to-Go bottles

Watch the video to find out more from Explore's Pip Baines about how the Water-to-Go bottles work.

What our staff say about Water-to-Go


"So easy to use. I filled up from the tap in my hotel room in the morning and refilled from mountain springs and streams on the trek."

Caroline Phillips, European Programme Manager

"I love my water to go bottle as it means I can drink water from anywhere without the fear of my trip being ruined by tummy troubles!"

Ali Butler, European Product Manager
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“I love my Water-to-Go bottle as it means I’m going to get access to consistently clean and fresh-tasting water wherever I am in the world”

Chris Ellis, Asia Product Manager